Jackson Penso

Composer | Arranger | Audio Engineer

All My Music Can Be Found Here!


On Youtube you can find my arrangements, remixes and original works covering a majority of different genres of music.


Music Streaming Services

Here you can find all of my soundtracks and albums on Spotify, Youtube and Apple Music.



Apple music

Published Works

As well as having music on streaming services I also have published works available for purchase for all types of ensembles.

Published Works

Get to know Jackson Penso

I am a composer who enjoys a challenge and will always accept new roles and new tasks with a positive attitude. I have experience in writing for video games, commercials and short films. My writing is not limited to any styles and have had the opportunity to have my works performed worldwide by ensembles from orchestra to big band.
My goal is to learn as much as I can about the Music Industry so I can produce the best product. I am easy to work with and will respond quickly.

Please contact me if you have any questions!